Absolutely. Lips, or vermillion in dermatology jargon, age even more than skin because the lips do not have a protective outer layer of dead cells, which reflects light, covering it. This makes it more susceptible to damage by ultraviolet radiation (sunlight). Pre-cancer and full-blown cancer of the lip is also very common. In fact, a recent report by the American Cancer Society showed that there were over 10,000 cases of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the lip. SCC of the lip is 2-3 times more common in men than women. Although most cases can be cured with surgery, the lower lip is considered a “high risk” site. Consequently, there is a higher chance that the cancer can spread to other parts of the body if left untreated or caught too late. The number one risk factor for SCC of the lip, like aging of the lip, is cumulative sun exposure. Indeed, men are more likely to have more significant sun exposure on the lip than women because of more time spent outdoors and lack of lipstick use. In terms of lip aging, chronic sun exposure damages the delicate collagen and elastin fibers in the tissue, resulting in aesthetic loss of structure and definition of the lip. This can lead to asymmetry and thinning, characteristic in older patients. Fortunately, there are tactics patients can use to combat the relentless drive of the sun to make us age and give us cancer. First, seek shade when you can. This means doing small things to keep your face out of direct sunlight, like wearing a hat and walking on the shady side of the street. Also, try to do your outdoor activities when the sun is least intense (before 10 am and after 4 pm). Next, grab some lip balm that has at least SPF 15 on the label. A high SPF means it blocks cancer causing UVB rays. In fact, regular use of SPF 15 lip balm has been shown to reverse precancerous lip changes, preventing it from forming a true cancer. Also, make sure the lip balm has the ingredient avobenzone or zinc oxide in it. Avobenzone specifically blocks out the age-inducing UVA rays. If you already have a lot of damage to the lip, soft-tissue fillers, such as hyaluronic acid gels, are excellent for restoring definition and a more youthful appearance. Lip filler is a common procedure in women and the results are fantastic if the clinician is experienced in treating the lip. In inexperienced hands, filler injected into the lip can create bumps, lumps, or worse.
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At Dana Point Dermatology, we understand how varicose veins can significantly impact your comfort, confidence, and overall well-being. Whether you’re